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Digital twin to manage variability and optimise resources

Metso Outotec will be launching a science-based digital twin, Metso Outotec Geminex, to manage variability and optimise resources.

The unique solution simulates and optimises seamless sustainable operations in minerals, pyro- and hydrometallurgical processes by combining operational data from both internal and external data sources.

“Metso Outotec’s digital twin provides unparalleled benefits to the mining and metallurgical industry. The increasing complexity of ores, the shorter global economic cycles and the faster changes in commodities demand, combined with strict sustainability targets, form an equation that requires a new toolbox to solve these challenges. The innovative Geminex digital twin supports our customers in designing and adjusting their processes in an agile manner,” explains Professor Emeritus Kari Heiskanen, Technology Director at the company.

With this solution, alternative operational scenarios and parameters can be efficiently simulated and tested based on accurate process models and real data. It provides invaluable information for short- and long-term decision-making and allows operations to use resources in an optimal way while considering both impacts and constraints.

“When the Geminex capability is combined with our leading global service, Metso Outotec is able to further support local operators in turning the desired scenarios into real plant performance by offering precisely the right support – from process to technology – to help achieve the results needed today and long into the future.” says Terry Galvin, Vice President, Expert services at Metso Outotec.

Sizing and simulation tools at the core

For simulation and production, the solution utilises the unique HSC process models that already have more than 20,000 users worldwide. These process models have been successfully implemented in hundreds of minerals and metals processing flowsheet development cases, and the same models are utilised in plant run-time optimisation.

“In brief, the solution provides a true end-to-end digital solution by enabling enriched decisions leading to optimised performance and resulting in tangible benefits for the customers’ operations,” explains Jari Moilanen, Director for minerals processing digital solutions.


  • Minimises carbon footprint
  • Maximises efficient use of resources
  • Simulates the process safely without environmental or financial risks
  • Enables material traceability
  • Increases profitability
  • Quick and easy to implement
Metso Outotec Geminex digital twin. Image credit: Metso Outotec

Metso Outotec Geminex digital twin. Image credit: Metso Outotec